Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mosquitoes have cloaking devices!

Slap! The sound was unmistakeable, yes another mosquito got away with trespassing.  I looked over at my wife only to see her again looking around her as she stood near the kitchen sink, twisting back and forth all the while looking at the floor near her feet.  Her hand was raised, open palm, ready to swing away at the malicious little creature that had offended her yet again.  "where the heck did it go!" she muttered under her breath.  I could barely make out the tirade of expletives that continued to pour out of my little wife, such a tragedy, that such a small creature could bring anyone to this level of discontent.  Of course this too got me to thinking, is there any useful good to a mosquito?  I mean, why did God make this obvious pest?  Was it made to keep us on our toes?  Maybe to harbor various parasites and viruses to keep certain populations of certain species in check.  Hmm mm....I wonder.  After a bit of research there appears to be no good reason why any mosquito should be allowed to exist!  I discovered (actually read) that most species of mosquitoes drink the blood of warm blooded creatures so that they can use proteins within the blood to create more eggs within a short life span.  It seems the blood they drink is full of life giving qualities mosquitoes need to create even more mosquitoes.  Some of us are more susceptible to bites from mosquitoes because they have an amazing ability to smell!  It seems that some of us perspire more amounts of CO2 than others which draw mosquitoes to us; they can smell our perspiration and are drawn to us!  Further to this, they carry a variety of Viral Diseases that can produce many problems to people and other animals alike; diseases like Malaria, or Dengue Fever or even West Nile Virus which can be deadly to both humans and birds.  However, recently mosquitoes have been studied because they possess within their tiny little bodies a chemical which they use to stop blood from clotting while they ingest blood from a victim.  The mosquito injects a saliva full of this chemical into the victim to stop blood from thickening; medical science is trying to harvest qualities of this saliva for medical reasons.  The ability to conduct surgeries better, blood thinning medication for heart disease, and a host of other illnesses that will benefit humanity once science can properly harvest the saliva of the mosquito!  So there you have it, most of us detest this small, determined, pesky little creature that has most likely pervaded our lives negatively for generations; millions of us have "slapped" at these devious little blood sucking demons!  But it seems painfully obvious to me that God has had a purpose for these little guys all along; discernment comes with understanding, Paul tells us this in Romans 1:20 " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-His eternal powers and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."  This scripture, given to us by the Apostle Paul, tells men that creation, all things in creation, contain within it the invisible qualities of God's power and His nature, and that when the discoveries of creation are revealed for what they contain, man cannot understand how, but in time will be given the reasons for those discoveries; these mysteries of creation have been revealed time and time again.  Each time creation reveals itself, like the mosquito has, man has to receive the revealed qualities of creation as proof for God's might and His divine nature.  The tiny mosquito, reviled by humanity as a useful, disease ridden pest, has been revealed as a production engine for medical progress and therefore improved humanity, because God created it this way!  Man cannot deny what has been revealed, as the scripture indicates "...so that men are without excuse."  There is no good reason for a mosquito other than that which has been revealed in its proper time.  In today's day and age when technology exists to impart the ability to understand what a mosquito is good for has been debated between science and creationists for some time; Creationists will take my position, God revealed the invisible nature of the mosquito when it was needed.  Science has stated that Man revealed the invisible nature of the mosquito because Man developed into a more intelligent being.  What a deceived bunch we are!  That we could possibly believe that Mankind had anything to do with anything in creation!  Next thing you'll hear will probably be this "Man discovers how to make Gold out of Lead!"  Oh wait...we tried that.  I went down this road today with the blog because I wanted to remind you all of the small things that can tend to distract us with what is going on in our lives; but that maybe, just maybe, those small things buzzing around your legs trying to get a piece of you are there for a bigger purpose.  A purpose waiting to show God's invisible nature, His divine Nature.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breaking Ground!

This is good, the ground is so hard I can hardly push the shovel into it.  I lean in a little more and grip the shovel even tighter, driving my left foot down onto the top of the blade; the ground gives way to the sharp tool and the shovel drives deep into the rich red soil.  I worked the blade back and forth a bit all the while driving the blade of the shovel deeper, separating the packed soil from itself, finally reaching the depth of the blade I levered the shovel handle down and the blade forced the soil up and out.  It was only a small dusty pile that I had removed from the ground but definitely significant; one down a few thousand to go.  That was Tuesday November 1, 2011 at about 4 p.m. when we disturbed this peaceful earth with our toil.  I have spent the past few days musing over the significance over the breaking ground ceremony, and some may not see it as related to anything Biblical but I wondered?
This perspective I offer;  The earth is ready, prepared with time, and now its purpose revealed; at least in our case.  Just as each of us walks out our walk with God, looking for His will for our lives, each of us wondering,"Is this what I am supposed to do Lord?"  As the ground waits for its use to be revealed, so do we wait, watching for our inevitable use.  This has to make sense for you to see the correlation; like the patient earth waiting in time to be put to good use, to be turned over so a foundation can be laid, so each of us are with our own lives.  Time marches at the same rate for all of us, but we find ourselves in different stages of readiness.  Some of us are soft or not sure of our place, while some of us are too hard; unwilling to receive a shovel.  The Bible does not speak specifically about breaking ground, but does relate to the proper way to lay a foundation, of course by digging deep!
NIV Luke 6:46-49
46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? 47 I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
Now of course Jesus is not talking about building guest houses, rather He is using the analogy to teach us to do what He says.  Living our lives full of the Word gives us a solid foundation to weather any storm.  Food for thought.
By the way..how big is your shovel?  Are you ready to lay your foundations for the Lord?

 This is the video of the Ground Breaking Ceremony for Rio Vista Guest House!
